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World of Warship new or start over?

world of warships invite code

Hello there,
so you would like to play World of Warships and you are new to the game or want to start all over again.
And when you start you would like to get lots of free goodies when you start?
well, this is how you can make the most of it.

!it is important that you follow these steps so you will get more free goodies then you would normally get

1.go to the World of Warship site https://worldofwarships.eu/join/ or choose  
   one you will play on check for North America, Asia or Russian Server below for address!
2. click on the button play for free
3. fill in your email
4. choose a username, shows an error when a name is taken
5. fill in a password, hint take one you can remember or write it down
6. click on the "do you have an invite code" a new field will open up
7. fill in your invite code of choice 
  [if the code is no longer valid the error message will show!]
  if so choose another, if it works it will take the code
  some might need you to play a battle before getting your goodies!
8. check the box for EULA agreement, optional for WG messages
9. click on the "PLAY FOR FREE" button
10. check your email [the one you signed up with] and confirm
11. download the game if you have not done so before
12. install the game
13. play the game you will find your goodies in port
Now if you would like some additional extra's for this game then use the friend link!
1. pick the friend invite for the server you play on.
2. this will take you to the friend invite page.
3. click on the "accept invitation" button.
4. if you're not signed in sign in with your new account.
5. you will now see a "congratulations screen"
6. you have activated your bonus you are now a "shipmate"

What do you need to do from here on?
Well just play the game and enjoy, after you have played your first battle you will find 
a new cruiser Diana Lima Tier II[ that is 2 in roman numerals] and a commander with 9 skill points{ you can not jet assign the skill points], and you have been granted another 7 days of warships premium Account.
Now follow the in-game instructions or watch this channel for more videos.
Would you even like more goodies than this?
Then you should send an email to dutchdelightsclan@gmail.com and use the subject "new shipmate". 
I can follow your progress in-game maybe even play together with you in a division.
And even sent you some goodies your way! 
I have sent lots of goodies to shipmates already according to their effort and progress, you also will be eligible for giveaways when I do! so what is keeping you from enjoying the Naval Action in World of Warships?
I would end this with saying to you,
"Fair Winds and Following Seas" enjoy #PlayLikeShare

!to play on this server go to:
EU:     https://worldofwarships.eu/join/ 
NA:    https://worldofwarships.com/join/ 
Asia: https://worldofwarships.asia/join/ 
RU:    https://worldofwarships.ru/join/ 

Join me for a friend invite use the link on the website or use the link below!
EU:    https://friends.worldofwarships.eu/join/dutchdelightsnl
NA:   https://friends.worldofwarships.com/join/eriklanshof
Asia  https://friends.worldofwarships.asia/join/DutchDelightsNL
RU:   https://friends.worldofwarships.ru/join/DutchDeligts

Also, check these websites!


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